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Health & Safety Action in Response to The Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Welcome to TOHO cinemas!
In order to ensure the safety of our customers and employees, TOHO Cinemas will be implementing infection prevention measures.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause to our customers and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

  • Requests for our customers

    If you feel sick at our theater, please let our staff know.

    • ・Please check your temperature before buying your tickets. If you have symptoms such as fever or cough, please refrain from coming to the theater. ・Please wash your hands, use the hand sanitizer placed at the entrance, and cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. ・In order to prevent infection and spreading coronavirus, please secure physical distancing when standing in line or near the entrance.

  • We will sell the tickets in compliance with the Basic Policies for Novel Coronavirus Disease Control by the Government of Japan and the latest guidelines for preventing the spread of covid-19 infections in movie theaters by Japan Association of Theatre Owners.

    *Whether or not to wear a mask is a personal choice.
    The anti COVID-19 measures recommended by the Japan Association of Theatre Owners for movie theaters have been revised on March 13th, 2023.
    However, please note that in some special screenings, live viewings, or screenings where you can sing or cheer, we may ask you to wear a mask.

  • Ventilation in the theater

    • We have air ventilation system, in which the air in the auditorium is replaced with the outside air, in accordance with the law.

  • Encouraging social distancing

    • The layout of our theaters has been changed for your physical distancing.

    • ・If it is crowded, we may ask you to wait at the entrance to keep a distance between you and other customers.

  • Employee Health Training

    • ・All of our employees are required to check their temperature check at work, wear a face mask, wash and sanitize their hands and gargle. ・We use trays to exchange cash in order not to touch it directly.

  • Vigilant sanitation & cleaning

    • We are enhancing the sanitation of frequently touched parts such as ticket vending machines, handrails, doors, and toilets. Sanitizers are placed at the entrance and lobby of the theater. Also, we have paper towels and sanitizers prepared in the hallways near the auditorium. This will allow customers to sanitize seats and armrests themselves.

  • Checking body temperature by thermographic camera

    • Guests may use the thermometers located at the theater entrance or in the lobby.

  • Others

    • ・We will check your tickets at the entrance, only visually.



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